Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are there any good 'isms' out there?

I've been thinking a lot about consumerism. I can't help being a consumer because I consume. If I stop consuming I die. But consumerism sounds "bad" and I believe it is. One of the causes of death that commonly appeared on death certificates in days gone by was "consumption". Even though it's not a medical condition any more (I think we call it cancer now) people are still dying of consumption.

I know I'm not walking in a straight line with my thoughts but putting an 'ism' on the end of a good or neutral word usually turns it into a bad thing.

Nothing wrong with being a part of a denomination but denominationalism is bad - real bad.

Communism - I'm all for community but not communism.
Socialism - people and societies are important but this isn't usually very good.

OK - how about:

Here's a neutral 'ism' I can think of right off the top of my head -
Organism - but that's more in the category of biology so it's off track for my raving discussion here.
How about "idealism"?

There might be some "good" 'isms' -
Optimism - usually a good thing.
Orgasm - oh, wait that's spelled differently. Never mind.


Kyle said...

this is an interesting post. I never really thought of the fact that adding "ism" to something positive often turns it into something negative. It just goes to show that too much of anything is never good.

Elizabeth said...

You've really got me thinking on this one. And I got a good laugh too! :)

Kimmy said...

I found a list of 234 "isms" for your perusal and enjoyment. http://phrontistery.info/isms.html

Have fun! I'll have to check out the list myself later when I get a chance.

Interesting subject, Dave!

Dave said...

WoW - Kimmy 234 'isms' - this means at least one other person thinks about this stuff too and way deeper than I do. Thanks.

Sam said...

One of your best.