Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sam Shouted At Me

I told Sam if he shouted at me I would give this a try again. So here I am - no promises on blogging everyday for a month. But I do want to do this more regularly. I appreciate the way my friends share their thoughts and their lives and I fell richer reading their entries. I'm glad they write regularly - I look for new additions everyday. Occaisionally I'll comment but mostly I read and listen. I guess that makes a "lurker" or a "voyeur" (Wikipedia comment: "A literal translation would then be “seer” or "observer", with pejorative connotations.) I don't like the pejorative connotations associated with these words. But I do feel something is missing - I am a wanna be - I wanna participate more.

So how do some of you guys do it? (Don't make the sexual connotation here!!!) What satisfaction do you get from posting on a regular basis? Has writing down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings made you a better person or richer relationally?


Kimmy said...

It's about time!!!

Personally, I get great satisfaction out of posting regularly. I don't usually write anything too deep, but I have fun and I've gained a nice circle of blogging friends.

Sam said...

Adrienne says she started her blog because it was cheaper than therapy. I love that.

Blogging is sometimes more about finding out about other people than writing anything for yourself. Which is probably why you still used a blog-reader but didn't actually write in your own. But it's a two way street. If you get a lot out of what other people write, wouldn't it be fair and prudent to return the favor? In your case, there are a lot of people out there who want to read what Dave has to say.

And on another note, don't place the worth of your blog on the number of comments you get. I've seen many a good blogger go by the wayside because they thought no one was reading their blog. My advice to that, download a hit-counter. You'd be surprised how many people show up and never once leave a comment.

Missed ya man, glad to see you back.

Laura said...

I'm glad to see letters instead of Andrew in big shoes! Anyways,I know that for myself blogging is a way of expressing my emotions. I am on the computer so much that it is just an extension of a journal to me whether anyone reads it or not I just have to get the ideas down in something other than my head or I will forget them. It is a nice community here too. I enjoy reading about everyones lives and like Sam said, I get alot out of what other people write so I hope that they gain the same from me every once in awhile.

Eliza Osborn said...

As a stay-at-home (mostly) mom whose hubby is very busy with two jobs, sometimes it's the only adult interaction I get all week. I like to bounce ideas off people. I originally wanted to chronicle my writing and reading, but it's less focused than that now.