Monday, December 10, 2007


I recently rented "Next" on DVD . Next features Nicholas Cage as a guy that can see 2 minutes into the future. The government becomes aware of this and hunts him down to get him to help them prevent a nuclear attack by a terrorist faction. The plot was little hokey - I mean they literally hunt him down with big time manpower and equipment - I never could understand why they didn't just go up and ask him for help. (If anyone else saw this one maybe you can explain this to me.)

Anyway, even though the plot was rather hokey I thought the "moral of the story" was pretty cool. I'm not going to tell you what it was cause I don't want to jeopardize the ending for any who might want to see it. And this movie is all about the ending. (At first I didn't like the ending but after thinking about it I got it - then I liked it - the ending that is.)

I'm blogging about this not to develop any skills as a movie critic - which I'm not - I just know what I like and what I don't. I write to post a "rave" (a comment - "speaking out wildly") and a couple questions.

My comment - I have movies I like which I wouldn't necessarily recommend - not because of content, per say, or most times - but because I didn't think the movie was that well done for some reason usually acting or plot. "Next" would fit in this category. LBNRS - liked but not recommended strongly. Then there are movies I liked and would also recommend (too most people - my mother, though, that's tough one - I don't use her for a "filter". ) LAR - liked and recommended. The last movie I rented that I would put in this category is "Reign Over Me".

My questions - what is the last movie you saw that you would recommend someone to watch? And what is your "rating criteria" for recommendations to friends?


Paul Dazet said...

I will be honest, I like good movies - and I call myself a critic (maybe it's that Prophet's heart) :)

The last movie I saw that I would recommend was... "The Freedom Writers" - I sensed God in the movie. I know it is made by MTV, and probably wasn't intended to point to God. But it did for me. So I would recommend it to others to see if they were moved or inspired the way that I was.

Another movie "American Gangster" was an excellent movie showing the reality of the drug/crime scene.

Of course, I could list all the terrible movies I have seen lately....

Dave said...

You have better rating criteria than I - it sounds like your recommendations are based beyond simply personal preferences and more on how the movie inspired or moved you toward God.

Sam said...

I usually don't recommend movies. I was the kid my parents never let pick anything out due to some really bad (and usually questionable) decisions. I've kind of carried that over into adulthood. So if you were to hear a recomendation from me it would probably go something like, "I heard that's been getting really good reviews." So that's my rating criteria.

As for the last movie I mentioned? I really liked The Prestige and I mentioned to people I discussed it with that they should watch it twice in a row. It makes you really "see" the movie.