Sunday, December 2, 2007

I hate when this happens ...

I've had some (rare) quiet time this weekend. I saw it coming so I went to the library to get a novel. (My usual reading is "study books" as my wife likes to call them and I usually have 2 or 3 going at the same time. But sometimes - especially when the weather gets colder I just like to get into a "story book" - I don't usually read anything too deep or complex here.)

I picked out Ken Follet's A Dangerous Fortune - I've read most of his stuff - most of them are what I would call time period soap operas. I'm reading along and every once in a while I get this deja vu feeling. So I start thinking - wow - I don't remember his plots as being so predictable.

By the time I get to page 350 (it's the large print edition)I figure out what is going on - I've read this before.

I hate when this happens because...
* I have never read any book more than once. Not that there haven't been excellent books or stories - I just figure there is so much else to read, I'd better move on to something else.
* It scares me that it took me 350 pages to finally be sure I read this before. The book was written in 1993 - and I'm sure I read it less than 14 years ago. The large print doesn't bother me as much as this part.
* I don't know what to do now. I'm halfway through a book I already read and the more I go the more I know what is going to happen. It musn't have been that good the first time or I think I would have remembered it more. Unless there is more to my reason above and again, that scares me.

Has this ever happened to any of you, my friends? Please tell me it has. My wife told me it has happen to her numerous times but she reads so many books (I bet she reads 100 or more novels a year. I might read 2 -4.)


Kyle said...

nope... you're just a crazy old guy!

seriously, though I dont read that many books. I mostly read "study books" especially while im in college. I'm sure if I read more, I would do the same thing.

Sam said...

Well, I've never done it on accident. (Sorry.) I have a strange thing in my brain that makes me forget the content of books and movies unless I've read or watched them numerous times. (I've actually psoted on the topic, if some of you are having deja vu right now.) So I've gone back and read certain books a couple times to secure the information in my noodle.

Brad B... said...

Dave I can honestly say that i have never read a book twice on accident... I have however read a book two or three times just because I loved it... But Im sure that there is someone else out there other than you and Brenda who have done this... By the way, I am really excited about you posting more... I am going to link you right now...

Paul Dazet said...

Sorry - I have never read a book twice on accident. Many books on purpose.

the Key? Don't ever finish the book the first time, so if you pick it up to read again - you would never know how it ends.

Sorry - I'm insane :)

Dave said...

I couldn't remember what happened so I finished it.