Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blogging Through Revelation - Part 2

In March of 1975 I traveled traveled out to Los Angeles California to enroll in the spring quarter classes of the newly forming Melodyland School of Theology. (Melodyland was an actual theater/bar across the street from Disneyland that Ralph Wilkerson had bought and converted into a church then added a school of theology where he attracted a lot of high profile charismatic teachers. Each class actually began with a period of worship and prayer and occasionally these times would preempt the planned lesson! At 18 years of age I thought this is was pretty awesome for a school.) Being in the midst of charismatic theology (if there was such a thing) "end time teaching" and charts and dispensations seemed to abound.

While I was enrolled at Melodyland I made Calvary Chapel my "home" church which featured the Marantha Singers (a name like that ought to give you a clue as to there being some end times emphasis). Chuck Smith, the founder and pastor, was a good bible teacher and espoused a pre-millennial pre-tribulational rapture view. (After only a few months in California I had some new lingo to throw around!)

My Christian Doctrine III class that quarter was the first time I heard the term "eschatology" (or at least the first time I was paying attention - there was going to be test this time!) (Eschatology means "the study of the last things" from the Greek "eschatos " meaning "last" and "-ology" meaning "study of", or more literally, "word of"). The professor of this class did a real good job in laying out the major views of the end times not only commonly held today but throughout church history. I became exposed to pre-millennial, post-millennial, and a-millennial views referring to the 1000 year reign of Christ after the "rapture". Ahhh, the rapture - when was that going occur? Before the "Tribulation" (Pre), after it (Post), or in the middle of it (Mid)? And the book of Revelation was it prophetic/apocalyptic, poetic, or historical, literal/spiritual in it's eschalogical interpretation? Our professor laid it all out there and said they all had scriptural support and different views were prevalent at different times of history. Right now it seemed apparent that in the 1970's in Southern California a Pre-tribulational Pre-millenial literalist interpretation of the book of Revelation was the happening thing!

Remember, Hal Lindsay was saying that the earth, as we know it, was doomed - real soon! here's how the thinking went: Israel received nation status in 1948; a generation was about 40 years; the world would be destroyed with fire after the Great Tribulation; if Jesus was going to come back for the church before the destruction - probably 7 years before that, maybe 3 1/2. This return was REAL close to 1975! Don't think I wasn't thinking about this stuff!

As for me at this time - I was still praying my same prayer "Come Lord Jesus, please, after I'm married". I also began to adopt a "Pan -millennial" view - I figured it would all pan out in the end. And since Jesus said no one knew the hour of his return I figured you better hold all of these views rather loosely.

But I remember thinking - if push came to shove - I mean if someone shoved me into a view, I would pick - I would "be" a "Post-Triber" concerning the rapture. It seemed to make the most sense from what Jesus said - if no one was going to know the exact time but we were to be prepared then why not hold to a Post-tribulational view of the rapture? If Jesus did decide to come back before the Great Tribulation then, oops, I guess I was wrong but at least I was ready. Being "right" on my end time view didn't seem to be a requirement to "make" the rapture but being "ready" did.


Chel said...

...waiting for part three to comment! Very interesting, as many times as I have heard you tell your story , I have never heard the California, cool, very interesting!

Revelation1 said...

I too was puzzled by the book of Revelation for many years and searched for a way to understand its meaning. Revelation begins with the charge that it is a message to show Jesus’ followers “the things that must shortly take place”. This clearly says that we need to understand the revelation message, yet it seems unclear. Why would God send us a message that we could not understand and then expect us to follow it? How could we understand the truth? This was the first challenge of Revelation to me. A second challenge comes from the book of Matthew. Jesus said, “See that no one misleads you” .

The bottom line, Jesus challenged us to try to understand the Book of Revelation and to not be misled. As you know, there are thousands of interpretations and millions of writings containing people’s views of the revelation. Who should I believe? As I studied and prayed for a way to address these challenges a thought came to me; could it be that Jesus has left us the information we need to unlock the mystery of the Book of Revelation elsewhere in the Bible? This began my effort to assemble all the verses in the Bible that address the end times and, through the wonders of word processing, insert them into the Book of Revelations where they appeared to fit. As I began to bring similar subjects from across the Bible together, it occurred to me that similar subjects could be brought together within Revelation itself. This is what started me on the journey to write a book. It is an amazing story that is different than what I expected when I began. Jesus has provided us what we need to unlock Revelation, and I believe that the Holy Spirit showed me the way.

The key is that Revelation was written out of chronological order at God’s direction to conceal its meaning until the end-times. But why would the Apostle John, who was directed to write the revelation by God, write it out of order? The answer is that he didn’t. He was told to “Write in a book what you see.” Do you see the key? Revelation is confusing because it appears to be written in chronological order but is not. It is like a play that God showed John, but several scenes were shown to him out of chronological order. As a result, each generation could read events from their own time into the revelation events. This would lead them to believe that they were living in the end-times while preserving the true meaning of the revelation to be discovered as the end-times draws near.

The reordered text reveals a new interpretation of Revelation and answers many of the questions that have plagued Christians for hundreds of years. One insight is that you find that Christ returns at the last trumpet as it says in 1 Cor 15:51-52.

Charles Huettner, Author
Jesus Reveals Revelation

Anonymous said...

Well Dave, it looks like you can stop your journey through Revelation, and just buy Mr. Huettner's book. It's good to know that the mystery has finally been solved after all these years.

Hooray for viral marketing.

Revelation1 said...

I'd be happy to talk to you about it.

Charles Huettner